Our Patented Performance Improvement Process for Impressive Professionals

Don't speak too close to others' faces while reading this title.

For an in-depth look at how to use these steps in your work (and get a sleek poster!), sign up for our free video course by clicking the button below.

When you join the Put Out the Fires!  community, you will get instant access to our flagship 3-part video course that will show you how to put out the fires at work FOR GOOD.

Video 1

Video version of Put Out the Fires!, the rollicking business fable about Clyde's epic quest to put out the fires.

Video 2

Discover the 3 counterintuitive reasons you are fighting so many fires at work.

Video 3

The exact steps you can take to get your most important work done and extinguish the corporate flames!

I am very excited to share Clyde's story with you and how it applies to your work.

One engineering professional described it as a "powerful metaphor for [his] management team." 

Teaming up with the talented Mike Perez to develop the visuals for Put Out the Fires has been one of the most fulfilling and ambitious projects I have ever undertaken, and my hope is that you will find it both entertaining and useful. 
