A children's story about Clyde's heroic quest to fight... FIRES?!?

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Clyde Face

About the Book

"Put Out the Fires!" is the whimsical story of Clyde, a brave man who sets out on a quest to prove he can be useful to the world. What dangers will he confront along the way? You guessed it: fires!
Featuring the breathtaking artistry of Mike Perez, this action-packed story is as thrilling as it is charming.  
It's an adventure story for the entire family.

Click the image above to see a preview of the book.

The Book Trailer

Bonus Content


Try your hand at coloring some of these sketches straight from the book.


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The Creators

Mark McKenna — Author

Mark McKenna is the author of "Put Out the Fires!"

If he had a super hero costume, it would be a bucket on his head with some knee-high adventure boots. Remember: that's IF he had such a costume...

Though elusive, he is sometimes spotted in the wild playing the cello, hiking, or building Legos with his kids.

He lives with his wife and three children in northern Utah.

Mike Perez — Illustrator

Mike Perez is the illustrator of "Put Out the Fires!" This is his 8th children's book.

As a self-taught illustrator, Mike has been dubbed "Creator of Cute Things and Master of Light" by reputable artistic critics such as Mark McKenna. 🙂

His artistic pursuit began years ago when he drew a Mickey Mouse face on his parents' lampshade. They were upset about it at the time, but Mike makes sure to remind them what an important part of his origin story it is.

Mike lives in his hometown of New York City.
